Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Gradual Speeches for the Potential Impromptu


The 4 Noble Truths are immensely profound to everyone for they lead the practitioners towards the profound and deep Nirvana alike. So, to prepare the listeners on learning the Truths, Buddha will have to preach these Talks beforehand. The Talks include 5 stages. What are the 5 Stages: -

Firstly, learn how to give as a contribution of happiness to others. Receivers of the gifts will be thankful to the well – rounded generosity of the givers. The mentality of the givers is now shaped up and ready for the next stages.

Secondly, Self – controlled by taking a good care of bodily and verbal actions with no harms to all. As one can consolidate his/her actions well, this would result in, again, one’s mental intelligence and being done to the third step.

When one’s mental faculty is refined through charitable hands and authentic behaviors, his/her mental and physical body is alike in celestial heaven yet not to await the post - mortal rebirth, filled with joy and peace alive.

Fourthly, up till this stage the mind is so sensitive and, say, sentimental to all profound and unmeasurable of celestial happenings mortally (and post – mortally). So much so that celestial endeavors are dissatisfied with limits; the on – high ups and downs now is discovering as well as it is insatiable and no long as happy and joyful as before. The listeners up to this point have an in-depth and unmeasurable capacity to learn and seek for the more sustained quietude and pacification.

Finally, the listeners, and, the practitioners, at the same time, look forward to renouncing the Worldly householdings and belongings towards the ascetic livelihood. At this point in time those having yet family to take care of are going to make a big decision in your life. It is suggested that until and unless you can be done with all your obligations and marriage covenants you have been coming far already. For those who can clear up all responsibilities as it needs to be, you can move on.

Renunciation can be an uneasy pathway for many, to ordain as a Buddhist’s monk, or nun is much more difficult. Staying with family is always better and has more fun engagement to do, with joy and peace for those not prompted. For this way is the noble middle eightfold path that reserved for no one, in other words, this path is common, public and universal to all with no exception and limitation.

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