Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Getting Marry with the Nirvanic Gastronome


The taste of Nirvana is the greatest of all. Why the greatest? For in Nirvana, there is no ups and downs, no old age, no illness, no death, no being apart from one’s/things beloved, and the end of the infinite circles of rebirths. In the World and beyond there ought not to be clung to; because, where there is clinging there is plight, in rebirth.

The realization of no clinging is the attainment non – suffering, it is to put the end to endless rebirth. Emancipation of clinging the true end of the circles of rebirth an of all sufferings – acknowledgement of Nirvana. How to realize Nirvana? This is the way, i.e. development of calm and insight.

 Development of calm mind can be monitored by elimination of the 5 defilements and the enhancement of 5 merits. The 5 defilements are 

1. Sexual love 

2. Rancor, or Malice 

3. Restlessness and Annoyance 

4. Laziness and 

5. Doubt. 

The 5 merits are 

1. Mindful thinking 

2. Careful investigation 

3. Joy 

4. Pacification and 

5. One – pointed Focus.

Development of Insightful Wisdom can be done by observation of the Three Common Characteristics of all existences (and Nirvana) as it really is, the way things are. What are the Three Common Characteristics? They are 1. Impermanence, i.e. constantly changing 2. Suffered by those who are clinging to 3. Delusion, i.e. being spiritually blind, as things are broken from aggregation, i.e. non – self, no egoistic, or non – selfish, emptiness.

From time to time one can be concentrated and insightful enough, bit by bit all the wickedness eradicated, the wholesome merits fully perfected and one’s spirit purified/hygienic. Then, one is named “truly get married with emptiness/Nirvana.” 

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